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Community Trademark Registration

Community Trademark was established by the European Council Directive No. 4094 of December 20, 1993. It has been achievable since 1 April 1996 to file an application for a Community Trade Mark registration. As the name suggests, a Community Trademark, if granted, covers all countries within the European Union under one single registration. Community Trademark registrations exist along national trademark registrations and grant an alternative to national registration.

Application Procedure: Applications are made to the Office for Harmonization with OHIM is usually by fax. The application can be filed in any EU language. OHIM adopts the typical International Classification of Goods and Services, and it is possible for an application to cover up to 3 Classes at no additional cost.

Examination /Opposition Procedure: All CTM applications are checked upon receipt to ensure that they meet the necessary filing requirements. If and when the papers are in order the application is given a filing date and an application number. The application is then examined by OHIM on absolute grounds to ensure that the mark is appropriate for registration and not simple say a laudatory term or other unregistrable mark.